sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016


Los alumnos de cuarto han estado estudiando los volcanes durante estas últimas semanas y han realizado unos proyectos muy chulos!!!!

Los alumnos han realizado unas maquetas y un experimento sobre la explosión de los volcanes.


  • un vaso de plástico
  • una cartulina
  • plástico
  • bicarbonato
  • vinagre
  • materiales para decorar
Al mezclar el bicarbonato y el vinagre surge la explosión volcánica

miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2016

How much and how many theory!

Some theory and practice about MUCH and MANY:

  • MUCH: se utiliza con nombres INCONTABLES en singular
    • There is much rice.
    • There isn't much rice.
    • How much rice is there?
  • MANY: se utiliza con nombres CONTABLES en plural.
    • There are many chairs. 
    • There aren't many chairs.
    • How many chairs are there?
  • ENOUGH:  suficiente. Se utiliza tanto con contables como con incontables. 
    • There is enough cheese.
    • There are enough chairs.
  • TOO: demasiado. Siempre va delante de adjetivos y/o adverbios. 
    • Ejemplo: It's too cold today. 
  • TOO MUCH: demasiado / a. Se utiliza delante de nombres INCONTABLES en SINGULAR.  
    • Ejemplo: There is too much cheese in the fridge. 
    • En negativa: There isn't too much cheese in the fridge
  • TOO MANY: demasiados / as. Se utiliza siempre delante de nombres CONTABLES en plural.
    • There are too many apples. 
    • There aren't too many apples.



FoOd! countables and uncountables!

As we are dealing with countable and uncountable nouns here you are some lists of food so you can see which of them are countable and uncountable. 


To talk about uncountable nouns we can use these expressions:

What about cooking?

Here you are some verbs to make your own recipes!

And here you are some tips about packaging!

martes, 9 de febrero de 2016

PaNcAkE dAy!!

The day before Lent (Cuaresma) starts is the day we call Pancake Day! Many countries celebrate this day in different ways. In Spain, for instance, we celebrate "Carnival", in New Orleans (USA) they call it "Mardi Grass".

Lent is a period of time that goes from Tuesday of Carnival to Easter Sunday and the first day of Lent is called "Ash Wednesday" (Miércoles de Ceniza). This day people promise to give up things they like and try to keep their promise for 40 days. 

During LENT people are supposed to give up meat, dairy and fatty foods. 

Pancake Day or Shrove Thursday is celebrated in Ireland, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada and Australia. People celebrate this day by making pancakes from eggs, milk and flour. 

Watch this video to know more about Pancake Day!

And now..... SOME SONGS!!!